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Because chu problem de ren 给了九个 Subtask,我也不知道怎么回事,后面的 Subtask 可能会配错,ごめんなさい!



Insert string $T$ into $S$ to maximize the number of occurrence of patterns $P$.


Read the testdata from lgs.in.

The first line contains the string $S$, the second line the string $T$, and the third line the string $P$.


Print the answer to lgs.out.

Output one line containing the following four integers, separated by spaces:

  1. The maximum number of occurrences of $P$ we can get after inserting $T$ into $S$ at position $k$, if we choose the position $k$ wisely.
  2. The number of different $k$’s (from the range $0, 1, \cdots , |S|$) where this maximum number of occurrences of $P$ is attained.
  3. The minimum value of $k$ where the maximum number of occurrences of $P$ is attained.
  4. The maximum value of $k$ where the maximum number of occurrences of $P$ is attained.


保证 $1 \le |S|, |T|, |P| \le 10^5$,所有字符串只包含小写英文字母。

  • 子任务 $1$($5$ 分):$|S|, |T|, |P| \le 10$。
  • 子任务 $2$($15$ 分):$|S|, |T|, |P| \le 5000$。
  • 子任务 $3$($20$ 分):$|T| \ge |P|$。
  • 子任务 $4$($50$ 分):$|T| \le |P|$。
  • 子任务 $5$($10$ 分):无特殊限制。