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There is a Segway race in the city of Dubrovnik. The race track consists of three sections, each of which is 100 meters long – therefore, the total length of the track is 300 meters. Based on the limitations of her/his Segway battery, each rider has a strategy: the speed at which he rides on the first 100 meters, the speed on the next 100 meters, and the speed on the last 100 meters, except when allowed to speed up the Segway to the maximum speed (explained in the next paragraph).

Unfortunately, the Segways are very slow, taking between 1 and 50 seconds for each meter. Therefore, the speeds in this task are given in seconds per meter (instead of meters per second). Along the track there are several acceleration points (accelerators). When a rider reaches an accelerator, his Segway gets extra power to ride at the maximum speed of 1 second per meter for the next X mod 20 meters, where X is the number of riders strictly ahead of him at the moment he reached the accelerator (including those who have already completed the race). The rider is unable to use another accelerator before he has spent all extra power from the previous accelerator. At that moment, if there are no new accelerators, the rider continues to move at his default speed for the corresponding track section.

Assume that a rider will always use an available accelerator, even if it might not be the optimal strategy. An accelerator can be use by multiple riders, even at the same time. Your task is to write a program that simulates this race. Assuming that all Segway riders start at the same time, print the finish time for each rider in seconds.

杜布罗夫尼克市有赛格威比赛。赛道由三个部分组成,每个部分 它有 100 米长——因此,轨道的总长度为 300 米。基于 由于她/他的 Segway 电池的限制,每个骑手都有一个策略:他在第一个骑车时的速度 100米,接下来100米的速度,最后100米的速度,除了当 允许将 Segway 加速到最大速度(在下一段中解释)。

不幸的是,赛格威非常慢,每米需要 1 到 50 秒。所以, 此任务中的速度以每米秒数(而不是每秒米数)给出。 沿着轨道有几个加速点(加速器)。当骑手踩到油门时, 他的 Segway 获得了额外的动力,可以在下一秒以每米 1 秒的最高速度骑行 X mod 20 米,其中 X 是在他到达终点时严格领先的骑手人数 加速器(包括那些已经完成比赛的人)。骑手无法使用另一个 在他用完之前加速器的所有额外能量之前,加速器。那一刻,如果有 没有新的加速器,骑手继续以相应赛道的默认速度移动 部分。

假设骑手将始终使用可用的加速器,即使它可能不是最佳策略。 一个加速器可以供多个骑手使用,甚至可以同时使用。你的任务是编写一个程序 模拟这场比赛。假设所有 Segway 车手同时开始,打印每个人的完成时间 几秒钟内的骑手。


The first line contains an integer N (2 ≤ N ≤ 20 000), the number of riders.

The Kth of the following N lines contains three integers between 1 and 50: the default speed of the K th rider on the first 100 meters, the next 100 meters, and the last 100 meters of the track.

The next line contains an integer M (0 ≤ M ≤ 299), the number of acceleration points.

If M > 0, the following line contains a strictly increasing sequence of M integers between 1 and 299: the distances of the accelerators from the beginning of the track in meters.

第一行包含一个整数 N (2 ≤ N ≤ 20 000),即骑手人数。

以下 N 行中的第 K 行包含 1 到 50 之间的三个整数: ķ 前 100 米、下 100 米和最后 100 米的车手。

下一行包含一个整数 M (0 ≤ M ≤ 299),即加速点的数量。

如果 M > 0,则以下行包含从 1 到 299 之间的 M 个整数的严格递增序列: 加速器到轨道起点的距离(以米为单位)。


You should print N lines, where the $K^{th}$ line contains the required time for the $K^{th}$ rider.

样例 #1

样例输入 #1

1 2 3
4 5 6

样例输出 #1


样例 #2

样例输入 #2

5 5 5
6 2 10
10 9 2
100 199

样例输出 #2


样例 #3

样例输入 #3

2 2 2
6 6 6
8 8 8
9 9 9
10 10 10
297 298

样例输出 #3




First sample description:

There are no accelerators and both riders use their default speeds.


Second sample description:

Rider #1 does not use the first accelerator (there is nobody ahead of him), but uses the second accelerator because rider #2 overtakes him in the meantime. Overall, rider # 1 rides 299 meters for 5 seconds each, and 1 metar for 1 second.

Rider #2 uses the first accelerator (there is one rider ahead), but does not use the second one. Overall, he rides 100 meters for 6 seconds each, 1 meter for 1 second, 99 meters for 2 seconds each, and 100 meters for 10 second each.

Rider #3 after each accelerator rides 2 meters at maximum speed. Overall, he rides 100 meters for 10 seconds each, 2 meters for 1 second each, 97 meters for 9 seconds each, 2 meters for 1 second each, and 99 meters for 2 seconds each.

Rider #1 不使用第一个加速器(前面没有人 他),但使用第二个加速器,因为在此期间骑手 #2 超过了他。 总的来说,骑手# 1 骑 299 米,每次 5 秒,1 米跑 1 秒。

Rider #2 使用第一个加速器(前面有一个骑手),但不使用第二个。 全面的, 100米6秒,1米1秒,99米2秒,100米 每米 10 秒。

在每个加速器以最大速度骑行 2 米后,骑手 #3。 总的来说,他骑了 100 米 10 每个秒,每个 2 米 1 秒,每个 97 米 9 秒,每个 2 米 1 秒, 和 99 米,每次 2 秒。

Third sample description:

Of the two accelerators near the end of the track, rider #1 does not use any. Rider #2 uses both (for 1 meter) and then rides for another 1 meter at her default speed. Rider #3 uses the first accelerator (for 2 meters) and then rides for another 1 meter at her default speed. Riders #4 and #5 use extra power from the first accelerator all the way to the end of the track.

在靠近赛道尽头的两个加速器中,骑手 #1 不使用 任何。 骑手 #2 使用两者(1 米),然后以她的默认速度再骑行 1 米。 骑手#3 使用第一个加速器(2 米),然后以她的默认速度再骑行 1 米。 4 号和 5 号车手从第一个加速器一直到赛道尽头都使用了额外的动力。